My Top Favorite Peaceful Mind Quotes Explained.

My Top Favorite Peaceful Mind Quotes Explained.

If you are in pursuit of a peaceful mind and tranquility I suggest you read and implement the top peaceful mind quotes I am going to explain in this post.

These quotes contain wisdom, knowledge, comfort and clarity that will help you to face any challenge in your life.

So whether you are seeking for that inner peace that will keep you calm at all times, even in the face of great difficulties, the peaceful mind quotes in this post will guide you along the way.

So without wasting time, let us get started right away.

My Top Favorite Peaceful Mind Quotes Explained.

Below are the my top 10 favorite peaceful mind quotes explained to give you that inner peace and tranquility:

1. Love is stillness, peace of mind. The universe is Love. Koena Mitra.

Love is the foundation of peace of mind because when you love others they are going to reciprocate and in so doing every physical conflict that will rob you of your peace of mind will cease to exist.

2. As most of the population suffers through life, barely surviving, disappointed and confused day after day, hopeless, wondering what happened to their strong and beautiful country, it is in the media’s power to restore, if not some of our quality of life, at least a bit of our peace of mind. Steven Van Zandt.

Suffering is one of the things that robs human of their peace of mind because it is not easy to be out there all day struggling to survive and in the end return back home with nothing.

The disappointments and confusions are bound to give birth to a state of hopelessness which in turn will rob you of your peace of mind.

We wish the government could restore this quality of life, that is our peace of mind by making life a bit easy for the masses.

3. Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming. John Wooden.

It’s rather unfortunate that some people measure success by material things they are able to achieve, and because of this no one is ever satisfied in life because we all seek to achieve more and more in our life times.

Sadly, so many lose their lives in a bid to gain more out of life and that is when they discover that life itself did not have anything to offer because we all return to the dust as naked as we came.

Therefore, success can only bring peace of mind when we learn how to be satisfied with whatever little we are able to achieve, and that is what makes us the best at what we are.

4. Whatever we are waiting for – peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance – it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart. Sarah Ban Breathnach.

Until you have an open and grateful heart you will never understand what peace lies beneath your mind.

Gratitude open doors to greater opportunities, not only physically but also spiritually.

I believe the creator is more willing to bless and uplift those who are grateful for the things they are getting out of life, no matter how little they might seem to be

5. Do not overrate what you have received, nor envy others. He who envies others does not obtain peace of mind. Buddha.

Why wish you are someone else when you do not know what is going through their minds as well as what awaits them the next second.

You might see someone looking healthy and jovial in the outside but can you really tell their state of mind especially when they are behind close doors.

Therefore, always learn how to be contended and show gratitude for whatever life is giving you daily and rejoice with people on their achievement if you want to have that great and peaceful mind.

6. Money cannot buy peace of mind. It cannot heal ruptured relationships, or build meaning into a life that has none. Richard M. DeVos.

That’s why people are dying everyday and leaving their money behind.

6. Negative emotions like hatred destroy our peace of mind. Matthieu Ricard.

Allowing hatred to rule over you will never let you have peace of mind.

6. I do believe in God. But you won’t find me visiting temples every now and then. I believe in self-realization. Peace of mind matters a lot to me. What’s the point in doing something just for the sake of it? I’d rather do something I like doing as long as I’m being true to myself. Virat Kohli.

Visiting temples every now and then will never give you peace of mind because in the end you will not always receive all you are seeking for.

You don’t have to do something because every other people seems to be doing it, rather you should seek to discover those things that give you a peaceful mind and stick to them.

7. Money can come and go, and fame comes and goes. Peace of mind and a relationship with God is far more important, so this is the precedent that we’ve set in our lives. The bottom line is, we all die, so Jesus is the answer. Phil Robertson

Jesus is the answer to us Christians because he is the only one who will lead us to everlasting life when the money and fame of life leaves us behind.

So we must strive to maintain a peaceful mind as we make our relationship with God relevant every other day.

8. You find that you have peace of mind and can enjoy yourself, get more sleep, and rest when you know that it was a one hundred percent effort that you gave – win or lose. Gordie Howe

In all things as the scripture says, we must always give thanks to God.

It is a game of life that we are all playing and playing games implies that sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. Recognize that and live with a peaceful mind.

9. I can have peace of mind only when I forgive rather than judge. Gerald Jampolsky

When you hold grudges against people, you will always find yourself bitter and having evil wishes and tendencies towards them. And do you realize that until you forgive and forget what people did to you, you cannot live with a peaceful mind.

10. Meditation gives me the peace of mind I need to start the day. Dorit Kemsley

Meditation is the process of keeping calm and trying to discover your thought patterns while all alone.

So if you can practice it every day, you will get that peace of mind that will push you through it all.

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