Hump Day Quotes Explained.

My 10 Favorite Hump Day Quotes Explained.

“Hump day” usually refers to the middle of the week, precisely Wednesday, and it is used to give the indication that you’ve already spent half of the work week and have another half remaining to round off the work week before you enter into the holidays.

Thus, hump day should be seen as a time of assessment and reflection, that is to say you need to utilize he hump day to see what you’ve been able to achieve so far in the new week.

Now the results of your assessment will help you to know if you are to work a little harder, that’s if you’ve not achieved much, or you can flex the remaining work days if you’ve achieved more.

I always love it when I realize on my hump day that I have done enough for myself for the week, and this gives me time to celebrate making it to the middle of the week in a positive way as well as be more motivated to finish the wekk strong.

Now let’s move on from here to see the meaning of hump day.

The meaning of hump day.

Hump day means the middle of the week which is precisely Wednesday, and it is used as a metaphor to represent the most challenging part of something.

As we said in the introductory part of this post, getting to the hump day means you’ve actually spent half of the word week and have another half to round off the week.

It is therefore the best time for you to access the things you’ve been able to achieve so for the week. And if you began the week right, you would have achieved so much by now and this in turn will motivate you to achieve more before the week runs out.

What is hump day quotes?

Hump day quotes are motivational words that are usually used to instill some kind of optimism in humans by reminding them that they have already spent half of their work and they need to access their achievements so far for the week and motivate themselves to achieve more before they make it to the weekend.

Hump day quotes explained.

Below are some of the hump day quotes which I have taken the time to explain in order to give you the needed motivation to become successful in your life’s pursuits.

1. “Happy Wednesday Fam! Dream big, live courageously, communicate honestly, be mindful, act with kindness, and spread love today and every day!” — Tracey Edmonds.

In the above hump day quote, Tracey Edmonds admonishes us tdo the following today and everyday:

  1. Dream big – dreaming big involves setting the right goals and having a plan of what you need to achieve in life laid out. This will help you to be focused and know exactly what you must do to become successful in life.
  2. Live courageously – you need to be courageous in life because without it you will always feel discouraged to pursue goals that sees hard to achieve.
  3. Communicate honestly – one thing I know about honesty is that it will make people safe to put their resources under your care and you can’t tell what great reward this goes along with.
  4. Be mindful – you must be able to have things under your control at any given point in time.
  5. Act with kindness – kindness begets kindness they say, because you never know when it will be someone else’s turn to show kindness to you as you journey on the paths of life.
  6. Spread love – love will never let you do harm to another which in turn will also keep you safe every bit of the way because the holy book says “do unto others what you wish them do unto you”. Thus when you spread love, you are also going to get love in return.

2. “Heaven knows the difference between Sunday morning and Wednesday afternoon. God longs to speak as clearly in the workplace as He does in the sanctuary.” — Max Lucado.

The above quote writer is trying to strike a balance between Sunday and Wednesday because as Sunday announces the end of the holidays so does Wednesday reminds us that the week is midway to it’s end and we must access ourselves to see how far along we are making progress in life.

3. “Wednesdays will always bring smiles for the second half of the week.” —Anthony T. Hincks.

Well, I think the only way Wednesday can bring a smile upon face is when we have been able to make a good start in the week.

Now one thing you will discover is that if you have achieved so much when you reach the hump day, you will be more than motivated to continue achieving more before the week runs out.

On the other hand, if by the hump day you have achieved less, you will be discouraged to continue doing more and conclude it was just a bad week.

4. “Wednesday is a day to help others celebrate life. You and only you are accountable for what you extend and give to others. One smile not only increases your value, but it gives joy to each person you meet.” — Byron Pulsifer.

Have you realized that one way of being highly motivated is to motivate others.

I discovered that the more we are willing to teach others, the ore we are willing to learn and in the end what we impact to others will also be beneficial to us because of the awareness that will move us to practicalize them.

5. “My job is to give people who work hard all week something to enjoy on Saturdays and Wednesdays.” — Arsene Wenger.

Wednesday can be likened to Saturday because if you have been able to execute most of your task for the week on Monday and Tuesday, you can have a little break or holiday on Wednesday and use Thursday and Friday to accomplish the remaining task.

So you must make sure you get on your goals early enough to make the remaining week less stressful.

6. “A good day is a day in which we manage to grow even a little bit and to move ahead at least one tiny step. When we stagnate, we lose ourselves and we lose endless chances. That is why a good Wednesday is a day when we did things, and we did them well.” — Liza Hawkins.

Sometimes we might have started the week very wrong, but the hump day will give us another chance to put in more effort to do the things we are supposed to do to make the week a great success.

7. “Only an obsessional procrastinator would cry, “Let’s run for our lives, but not till Wednesday afternoon.’” — John Cleese.

Never in your life leave what you need to do today to another day because you can never know what the new day holds in stock for any of us.

By all means necessary, try to avoid procrastination in your life.

8. “This is proof that Monday wants me dead… Wednesday wouldn’t do this to me. It’s laid back. Friday actually likes me! But Monday is a bitter, backstabbing treacherous day.” — Arthur Daigle.

Monday is a day you must begin the week with all amount of energy you have to work because if you do you will realize on Wednesday that you have accomplished so much and look forward to a great weekend when Friday finally arrives.

9. “Happy Hump Day! At least you’re at the top of the hill! Enjoy the roller coaster ride down to Sunday! Then just get back in line!” — Sotero M Lopez II

Don’t forget that the only way you will enjoy the roller coaster ride down to Sunday is when you have achieved so much before your hump day.

10. “Every day of the week comes with its special challenges and rewards. Wednesday is no different. When Wednesday becomes the best day of the week, it means that we live a life of meaning and that we know how to make the best of each moment, no matter where we are.” — Samantha Jobs.

I think this quote have already explained itself.

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