It is from the subconscious mind that every human actions begin and as a result of that we must learn how to pay close attention to our subconscious minds if we want to emanate positive and good actions at all times in order to become successful.
In this article, we are going to look at a famous quote about the subconscious mind and after doing so we shall move on to see how to explain the subconscious mind, why he subconscious mind is so powerful and how you can talk to your subconscious mind.
And without any further ado, let’s get started by looking at a famous quote about the subconscious mind.
A famous quote about the subconscious mind.
A famous quote about the subconscious mind was written by Joseph Murphy and it says: “As you sow in your subconscious mind, so shall you reap in your body and environment.

As I said at the start of this article, it is the subconscious mind that birth every human actions that we see here in the world. And as we can see from our quote about the subconscious mind by Joseph Murphy, human actions will always end up affecting the human body and his environment.
And we must not forget in a rush that, it is not only a human that lives in his environment, meaning that whatever a single human does will affect others who are living in the same environment with him.
Of course, these effects will always come in two phases, positive ad negative. And for that reason, we must all be watchful of what our subconscious is advising us to do at any given time.
Now the biggest question goes: how does the subconscious mind give birth to human actions? We cannot treat this answer accurately until we get to understand more about the subconscious mind, so therefore, let us move on to see how to explain the subconscious mind a well as show you why the subconscious mind is so powerful before we end by showing you how to talk to the subconscious mind
How to explain the subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind is that area in our minds where all our decisions seem to come from, even when we do not have to consciously think about them. This part of the mind differs from the real mind where we are having the consciousness of what we are thinking at any particular time.
It is the subconscious mind that houses all our beliefs, perspectives, visualizations, rationalities etc. and all these give birth to the actions we end up performing every moment of our lives.
As a Christian, we believe that the subconscious mind is where the entity that influences our lives live, and these entity can be either good or evil based on our religious affiliation.
Why the subconscious mind is powerful.
The subconscious mind is so powerful because it has the ability to generate human actions in whatever form as well as store them after they have occured.
According to Buddhists and several other religions, these memories transcends a given life time as human beings are believed to re-incarnate. Thus, an action of a previous life has the tendency of repeating itself in another life time, and the most important aspect is that the human being is going to carry out these actions unconsciously.
That is why it is very important for humans to be mindful of what they do in any life time so they won’t have to suffer for it in another life. Performing good actions is therefor advisable because it will bring about good and positive actions in another life time.
Of course, the ability to remain positive is a great way to motivate yourself every blessed day.
How to talk to the subconscious mind.

As a Christian, I believe that the best way to talk to the subconscious mind is through prayers and meditation. This is because, God, who manifests himself through Christians in form of the Holy Spirit lives in the subconscious mind.
Some times, these prayers and meditations must be accompanied with fasting’s which is a means of torturing our conscious mind to step down for the subconscious to influence us.
The scripture helps us to understand that there is a constant war ongoing between the subconscious and the conscious mind. The former always yarning for humans to lead a good life while the latter lusts after the flesh.
And for this reason, the human is expected to incline more to obeying the subconscious with the believe that God will influence their lives from there.
I hope at this point we have fully understood that it is the subconscious mind that influences human actions, whether they are good or bad.
In the end, we must all aim to be mindful of the actions we allow our subconscious mind to lead us into because the power to control these actions surely lies within us.
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